“If I could turn back time…” Cher

This article explores two simple steps to slow down time without changing any of your plans or activities. Let’s get you time back!!
If you’re like me, you’re probably flat out in your business, solving problems, living life, managing life admin, and doing what you can to fit in family, friends, and a little bit of time just for you! I get it, having a life and running a business really piles it on!
What if we could slow time down?
Time is an interesting construct, isn’t it? We live within its constraints, we’re driven by its movement, and shake our fist at the speed with which it moves. Additionally, we feel we can’t change it. Or can we?
Either read this article or listen to the podcast episode
Have you ever experienced those moments where time seems to slow down, like during an intense activity or when you’re completely engrossed in something? Well, it turns out there’s some fascinating science behind this phenomenon and it’s all connected to how our brains work.
Slowing down time will enable you to sleep better, improve how you feel about life and business, and enable you to get back to your normal amazing self!
Imagine being able to bypass that feeling of overwhelm? I say, bring it on!!
A Real Life Example
As an athlete I was lucky enough to experience the slowing down of time during many moments in sport. It was amplified in those epic moments such as before scoring a goal, finishing a race, swimming the 50-metre final, or catching a ball in softball. Most, if not all, athletes experience this phenomenon.
As mothers, we also experience this when we give birth. Time stands still as we focus mind, body, and energy into this incredibly sacred moment. Even the act of feeding our child and looking into their amazing eyes as they first smile, while they are looking into our eyes… time disappears! It’s magic!!
Let’s not forget about those delicious moments of intimacy! Time totally stands still when we become one with another.
Let’s bottle this phenomenon and consciously bring it into our lives.
Over the years, I have channelled this concept into how I do business. I now consciously get into this state whenever I need to focus, slow time down, and get important jobs done and dusted. Whenever I am under pressure and time feels like it is speeding up, I take a breath and drop into the zone. It’s a magical way to get results.
Let’s explore how this works, and what you can do to bring this into your life.
Why, When, and How to Slow Down Time
A study done by the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Turku in Finland, explored the frequently reported experience of time slowing down during car accidents.
Why does it happen?
They reviewed past studies and landed on a theory: The experience of time slowing down is related to the increased speed of internal processes: when we process faster, the world appears slower to us.
When does it happen and Why?
When put under intense pressure like in a car accident, in sport, or when something epic happens out of the blue, our central nervous system, specifically (wait for it…LOL) the locus coeruleus norepinephrine system speeds up our internal processing which helps optimize our performance.
In summary, this process is responsible for saving our lives!
This system is a network of neurons located in the brainstem, responsible for regulating various functions including attention, arousal, and stress response. Think of it like a spotlight shining on the task at hand, while everything else fades into the background. This heightened focus not only makes us more efficient but also gives us the perception that time is slowing down.
When we’re fully immersed in the present moment, our brains are processing information at a rapid pace, creating the illusion of expanded time. This cannot happen if we are not present. You can see where I am going with this… right??!!
The time-slowing effect only happens when we’re truly engaged in what we’re doing, focusing on one thing at a time. In today’s fast-paced world, filled with distractions and pressures, it’s becoming increasingly rare to experience these moments of deep focus.
Here comes the good bit, how do you slow down time?
I invite you to practice being super focused on what I am about to share…
How do you Slow Down Time?
Let’s harness this power to slow down time in all areas of our lives?
The answer lies in practicing the art of being present and cultivating a habit of single-tasking. So simple… but not always easy!!
Step 1: Do one thing at a time!
Instead of trying to juggle multiple tasks at once, set aside dedicated time for each activity and give it your full attention. Remove all distractions, put your blinkers on, and focus!!
Remember in Podcast Episode one when I spoke about the loss of productivity when we multitask. Studies show, if we DO 3 things or THINK ABOUT 3 things at one time, our productivity drops down to 40%. This is due to context switching, and we do it more often than we realise. You have probably done this 20 time while reading this episode (picking up phone, grabbed a cuppa, spoke to someone, thought about dinner, interrupted….?) Every time a thought pops into your head, you have to switch context. This is a massive time and productivity loss!!
This quick win is a beauty, you don’t have to change your plans or activities; you only need to consciously focus on one thing at a time.
Step 2: Be complete present
Having a single focus, AND being present will require your mind to take in everything that is going on. It has to process faster!
Being Present SLOWS DOWN TIME! Practice this! Additionally, being present has other benefits:
- Reduces stress because you are not experiencing mental chaos
- Reduce fears, worries, and regret because you are not connected to the past or future
- Reduce reactions because you are more conscious of your throughts and feelings
- Encourage a deeper connection with yourself, fostering self-compassion, improved self-esteem, self-acceptance, and a renewed appreciation for yourself.
Try it today!! You will be blown away by how you feel and the results you get.
Here’s a bonus for you…
It is one thing to learn the art of being present and focusing on one task at a time, it is another to know exactly WHAT to focus on! We don’t want to focus on cutting down the wrong jungle, right?!
In Podcast Episode 4, I explain the value of a one-page business model. This simple yet powerful tool streamlines your focus and exposes all irrelevant distractions that pretend to be important issues.
Distractions are our nemesis!! Don’t entertain them!! Don’t even invite them!!
Get your business model done, sort out distractions and never get side-tracked again!! Reach out if you would like a session with me to get this done!!
Go to quickwinsforbusiness.com/offer and snag one of the limited session at a reduced price.
This is a practice worth putting into place. Slowing time down is a consequence of work on one thing at a time and being present to it. Simple, but not always easy!
Your reward Is more time for you and your family, more peace in yourself and at home, and better results in your business.
It’s over to you! You’ve got this!!
To recap…
Slowing down time is a real phenomenon!
You can actively engage your central nervous system to accomplish this, by:
- Working on only one task at a time
- Being absolutely present to that task (nothing else)
In Closing
Whether you are working on your business, enjoying a meal, or spending time with loved ones, embrace the present moment and immerse yourself fully in the experience. By doing so, you’ll not only enhance your productivity and performance, but you get to savor the richness of each moment. A delicious way to live!!
The next time you find yourself rushing through life, take a moment to pause, breathe, and focus on one thing at a time. You might just surprise yourself!!
I am excited for you to apply this quick win in your business and in life. All the best! Have a great day!!
A little note from Deb
I know this article is a little different to your typical productivity blog, but it is worth the effort to practice this way or working. Putting these simple practices in place is an easy way to reduce your stress and enjoy your life and business.
I hope this Quick Win has given you loads of value because you are worth it! Please share this article or the Podcast Episodes with people you know and love.
Have a great day!!
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